antifouling matrice dure

Why use a hard matrix antifouling

Motorised or not, a boat needs regular maintenance to keep it in top condition and to avoid unpleasant surprises. In this respect, the hull is one of the elements that deserve special attention. And its maintenance requires the use of a specific product such as hard matrix antifouling or erodible antifouling depending on the type of boat.

Why pay special attention to the hull?

Engine, tank or other parts of the boat deserve regular maintenance. However, experts agree that the hull deserves special attention and should be regularly protected with hard matrix antifouling or other products in the same category. The reason is that this is the most exposed part of the boat as it is in constant contact with the water and is not immune to abrasion.

Needless to say, with time and bad weather, it is the part immersed in the water that suffers the most. And the consequences are rather annoying given the increase in water resistance that results. This reduces sailing speed and increases fuel consumption considerably, not to mention the natural erosion that accelerates.

Identify the warning signs

For those who don’t already know, there are warning signs that can indicate whether the submerged area of the hull is deteriorating.

Even if it’s in the water, you’ll find that this area tends to yellow faster than the rest. And this is not the only indicator, as you may also see rust spots or spikes. Black streaks or traces of mould and proliferation of algae and shells.

In other words, these are all tell-tale signs that appear right up to the waterline.

Why use a hard matrix antifouling?

For those in the know, fouling is the term used to describe all the signs of deterioration of the boat’s submerged parts. This refers essentially to all the animal and vegetable marine elements that tend to attach themselves to the hull or the propeller. And there are many of them, since no less than 25,000 aquatic species are currently liable to become fouling.

So, needless to say, antifouling is there to prevent the proliferation of these organisms and to keep the boat in good condition.

In concrete terms, it is a specific category of paint that each owner must apply to the living works (submerged parts). The fact is that this product, also known as anti-fouling paint, contains biocides and a binder to prevent erosion and slow down the deterioration of the hull. This should allow you to kill two or three birds with one stone by :

  • Reducing the water resistance of your boat;
  • Increasing sailing speed;
  • Reducing fuel consumption.

This will make your sailing more enjoyable and more economical if you regularly maintain the hull by using hard matrix antifouling, erodible matrix antifouling or special aluminium hull antifouling. Of course, the choice of product will depend on three major factors. The type of boat, the main sailing area and the wintering operation.

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