feu de navigation

How to use the navigation lights?

The use of navigation lights is a highly essential standard for ships. Their use is governed by many points, including the use of specific colours. They must also be used in special circumstances if you want them to do their job properly.

At nightfall

Evening is when visibility is at its lowest, so be sure to use the lights at this time. Navigation lights are designed to be strong enough to see several metres ahead. Here, one of the uses for these lights is to indicate the type of boat you are on.

With the different types of navigation lights and the colours used, it is easier to distinguish which boat it is. The arrangement and number of lights present are also indicators of the type of lights that are used.

When it is very foggy

Even if it is daylight, fog is a very valid reason to use your navigation lights. In case it is too thick, you may have difficulty in moving around properly. Here, navigation lights are as much about seeing over good distances as they are about having good visibility.

This is a real concern if you are travelling at sea but fog is depriving you of your overall visibility. In addition to the use of navigation light it is also advisable to use sound elements that allow you to be heard. In this way, you can best avoid possible accidental collisions with other boats when your vision is poor.

Heavy rainfall

Rain is common on the high seas, but beyond a certain threshold it can greatly impair visibility. This is the case in situations where the level of rain is so great that you start to lose your vision.

When this happens, it is possible to use the navigation light models to make yourself visible to other boats. The light still manages to shine through the showers, so you have a minimum of visibility. However, it really depends on how much rain you are facing.

In anticipation of the coastguard

The use of navigation lights is compulsory when visibility drops, so their presence is required. One of the circumstances in which you should show your navigation lights is when the coastguard asks you to. In this way you allow them to know that your boat is legal.

Failure to do so may result in penalties, which may take the form of a fine. In addition to being present, it is necessary that these navigation light models are functional. You should therefore check that your boat’s lights are working properly before setting sail. This is essential to avoid fines, but also for safe sailing.

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